Allow myself to introduce... myself


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Take the First Step

I previewed this little puppy on yesterday's blog, but I thought this would be a good theme for today. So to begin, here's the newest QQ Teenie(tm), my tiny version of the Qubicle Quilt:
The quote, which is our theme for today, says

"Take the first step in faith.

You don't have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step." -Dr Martin Luther King Jr

My friend since I was in high school, the wonderful and supportive JenniferJo, has finally taken the newest of her many first steps. JenniferJo is opening her own etsy store! As of yesterday, is active and breathing. Take a look at JenniferJo's new store and watch for new items as she gears up to paint away. Go JenniferJo! This is a picture of one of her postcards (shown with her permission of course).

I wanted also to send a big thank you out to Summer Pierre who was sending free copies of her zine out a few weeks ago, of which I received my own precious copy. The zine is called "The Artist in the Office" and is about finding ways to balance that artistic side with the day job. The zine is a huge spirit-lift, and Summer has been kind enough to grant me permission to use some quotes in my future Qubicle Quilts. What could be a more perfect fit? The zine is on sale now, and can be purchased through Summer's blog. And yes, I just linked to the same place twice, it's THAT worth it!
Off to work now. It's going to be another hot one today...

1 comment:

dottie angel said...

i have nothing left for wit tonight my consider your self tagged and i am wanting seven, yes that's right, seven very interesting and little known facts please...