Allow myself to introduce... myself


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hey Lady, I Thought This Was a Craft Blog?!

Every once in a while a completely irate and imaginary blog reader will get into my head and yell at me about my blog content. I feel it necessary sometimes to explain to the imaginary irate blog reader that I have never made any promises about the content of my blog, so it is not possible for the reader to be irate. Sometimes the imaginary blog reader listens, and sometimes he doesn't. Such is the way with imaginary blog readers.

I started my morning today having a delightful and spirited "discussion" with Travelous about the disappointing health care situation here in the states, followed by a nice little walk with the family. I mention the walk, because even though Travelous and I are almost always on the same side politically, for some reason our discussions are always more spirited than they should be. The walk is my own personal victory, since my point during our "discussion" was that until the system is fixed, we ALL have a responsibility to take better care of ourselves. I think he heard me, at least on this one point, so perhaps this will be the beginning of some much needed change in our lives. I mean really now, wouldn't it be nice if I could fit into one of those beautiful dottie angel slip dresses? So the plan is to walk again tomorrow, and Boo and I have committed to walking together early in the mornings. Cross your fingers for me...
I got an e-mail from Mommie Dearest today showing me her wonderful new lime green felted bag she knitted. A few weeks ago when Dearest was on recliner rest with her bum leg, I sewed together a quick QQ Teenie with one of her most memorable sayings from my childhood, "Mucky Mucky High High" which she would always use whenever my sister and I were being too snarky about someone. Her translation when asked is "until you walk a mile in someone else's moccasins, you have no idea what they've been through". She's a smart lady, that one. So she used the QQ Teenie as a pocket on the bag, and of COURSE it looks adorable. Of course I may also be biased a tad. But JUST a tad.

I wanted to show a picture of the first set of QWALTS finished for the Etsy shop. A QWALT is a Quilt Wall Quilt, which is to say that if you wanted a whole wall of similar quilts, these would be a good way to do it. I should start listing the QWALTS in the store tomorrow, so keep an eye out.

Oh MY isn't that a GREAT looking apple green wall?


dottie angel said...

i was going to say i love the qwalts (god i can't remember how to spell it...) wall but then i saw you have a visitor from foriegn you think it was the talk of green walls or may be that is your invisible reader that is causing you a problem with your blog content...which by the way i see no problem..i love the collection of quilts, just perfect..

off now...fair well my dear see you in a bit...

Hear Me Roar! said...

Methinks the spammers have invaded Blogger. The little I remember of my Spanish years (years when I dated men who spoke Spanish), I believe this translates roughly to "I 'happened' upon your blog and thought your post was so darn interesting, that I thought I'd post a link to my own blog where I sell t-shirts."

What is the world coming to?