Okay, hopefully I've learned MANY things during my years on earth, but one thing I've learned since I've been blogging, is that when I'm really proud about the way a post looks I am much less likely to be excited about writing a new post. F'rinstance, I was so pleased as punch about how nice yesterday's pictures looked, and here I am without pictures again. Not that I didn't TRY, it's just that I ended up with
this shot that looks like a paparazzi photo, but in reality is Travelous walking the kids to the bus stop.
I puttered around a bit this morning and tried HARD to find something new and interesting to take photos of, but there simply wasn't a lot to choose from. I posted some new items on
Etsy tonight, and decided I like this close up picture

since I've never done much hand sewing, I was a little proud of my "handiwork"
I also have this picture that I really like from the ReStore trip, that I didn't have room for yesterday
But there's really not much for me to say tonight to outdo all the great pictures from yesterday, so in the end all I can do is insert the gratuitous kid shot. This should get me off the hook, shouldn't it?
i have just checked your little shop...it would appear you have a sale!!!!!! horah, horah for a happy day...i like that close up of the stitching my dear...
I know, a sale! I only wish I had more family, because it was my SISTER who bought from me this time. I SO appreciate the support from my family and friends, but is it so wrong to yearn for validation from strangers?
I love the new items. Only I wish you could sew more. I find myself addicted to your blogs and looking for new creative insights on your page...but alas if only you could give up your job and just create. How fun would that be! I would go broke. I have sent out support emails to get the kick in the rear of my friends...hopefully that helps. Luv ya. I love the "Everything" teenie...I haven't convinced mom to get it for me yet...still working on that one!! I will get you pics of the ones you made me but don't have pics of so you have more blog pics...theres an idea. Gotta run.
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