So great news #2 is that Travelous just got his second message from someone who heard him on Sirius Satellite Radio. He got a message from a producer a couple of months ago asking if they could play some of his comedy on Jamie Foxx's new show The Foxxhole. Since this kind of thing doesn't always pan out, I think we both kind of forgot about it. We don't have Sirius (or a radio now for that matter), so we haven't been able to hear it ourselves, but it was certainly great news!

Great news #3 wasn't so much news as it was a new idea... for me... for my Etsy shop. I spent most of today working on a project with Boo so she would have a gift to give to her teacher tomorrow for the last day of school. It gave me a GREAT idea for another item to round out my store, which gives me a kind of electric excited feeling. So lots in store, and of course there will be more here as I figure it out a bit better. Woo Hoo!
So until tomorrow...
-Tasha (pretending she's not afraid of the thunder)
Hi, thanks so much for your comment! It's great to 'meet' you and see your lovely work. Good on you for selling on Etsy - something I would love to do soon. It must be such a thrill. BTW your kids are just gorgeous!
hurrah for you..i knew it was only a matter of time before they found you.
i'm so proud of my cubicle buddy...
awesome tashajo!!! so glad things are turning around.
Woohoo! Don't you love those sales! Congrats on all accounts - looks like you have some celebrating to do!
I'm so proud of you, you work hard at your art and deserve a break. The thunder may intimidate you with its boom but you shouldn't be afraid of it, its the silent lightning that should put the fear in you. Did you see where 5 teens got struck by the lightning just up the block from us, we heard all the sirens and figured someone was out in the storm, Have you ever heard of anyone being struck by thunder?
Oh yes Mother Dearest, that's quite the point you make there. Now everyone can see where I get my optimism!
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