Allow myself to introduce... myself


Sunday, October 7, 2007

She's Baaaaaack

I finally uploaded some pictures from the borrowed camera into the computer today, and shocked myself at how much time had passed since I'd written about anything fun here. I missed out on showing you all my new office, complete with fresh flowers I bought for myself...
Gone was the trip to the aquarium on my birthday in August when we had a behind-the-scenes tour from Sarah and saw our very first squid dissection...
And the freezer where they keep the fish food...

the first day of school...

the trip to the fair in September where Travis won at the only game he played, and then had to carry a five foot tall frog through the fairgrounds...

And Sol's first go at being on a soccer team...

And that about catches us up to this weekend, and the new family members. Not one, but TWO cute, cuddly, and rambunctious kittens. A surprise for the kiddos that I don't think they really believed until they'd stayed a full night in the house. These two cuties were found abandoned in an apartment with their emaciated mama and no food or water. The kids have named them Cody (Rex) and Lavender.
And so Fall begins, and we start seeing our family take a new shape. But just so you know... I'm still a DOG person...

I am grateful for new beginnings, great friends, fall colors, hope for the future, playful kittens, and wonderfully amazing kids.



Cindy said...

If these kitties work out there will always be kitties in your or not. So did you hear me say blog or give me back my camera cause I thought it was my inside voice but I'm glad to have you semi back!

dottie angel said...

thank you for uploading those photos, it made me smile...i always thought i was a dog person, even though we have both...those kitties are just so sweet and doesn't it make you feel good to rescue them and bring them into your home...

they are very lucky kitties to have you and your kiddies :)


What a fun blog. Thanks for sharing.

Galadriel Thompson said...

Yum, dissected squid.
