I was laying in bed this morning trying hard to make myself sleep in and thinking back on my week, realizing that if there was a theme to the week it might be that there's still time to make my future so bright I gotta wear shades.
Work - It started earlier in the week when I spent some time at the other branch, talking to the other manager about where we see ourselves in the next year. We both see good change on the horizon, which I of course can't talk about here.
Kiddos - Things have worked themselves out for how the kids are going to spend their summer, and I couldn't be happier for a great number of reasons, the biggest just being that I feel I made the right choice for my own peace of mind. For their first summer ever they'll be in a structured program with weekly field trips and actual
fun. Of course at this age they still think Mommy is fun, and I'll need to make sure they think that as long as possible.
Business - I'm going to put my Etsy store on hiatus for a bit while I focus on some things close by, and I'm going to mail whats been listed up to the gallery. They do a much better job of selling my stuff than I do, and maybe having empty cupboards in the sewing studio will make me feel like getting back into the groove of things and creating again. I need to get back into a rhythm, and creating has to be a part of that rhythm.
Home - Today I will be shampooing the dining room carpets! That may not seem like it fits into this post, but it does, oh MY how it does. The dining room is an area I've been avoiding at all costs because it seems to be an area that has gone through several incarnations since we've lived here, ALL of them messy. I think the art room for the 4, 5, and 6 year old junior Picasso has been the most disastrous. Or perhaps junior Jackson Pollack might be more apropos. But in any case, my avoiding this area is very detrimental to my goals for the future since it's the area that holds my exercise bike and treadmill. And yes, I still have some serious physical therapying to do so I can quit walking like Loerch.
Home (part 2) - My arch nemesis at work (located in another state) has been playing nice lately, and shared with me his own plan for world domination, and how that would mean I could fulfill my dreams of homeownership even here in Pleasantville. Isn't that the way with archnemesi (I'm POSITIVE that's the plural even though blogspot spell check simply refuses to see my way), they always dream super big. But I have to admit that PARTS of his plan made sense if I can only get some money saved...
Education - This has been a big one for me for quite awhile, a theme that keeps returning. No matter what the underlying reasons it's a very powerful thought for me that I will not feel satisfied until I have a bachelor's degree in something or other. The "which" is not important, it's the "what" that is, and that's my wanting to have a bachelor's degree. Framed... I'd wear it as a necklace. Last night was the pinning ceremony for my own dear mother at SPU for her BSN, and I can't tell you how happy I am that she has stuck this all out. For me (and this may be delving a tad too deep), when you grow up poor there are a whole lot of things that make you feel "less than" the people around you. Not being able to go to college has always been a huge one for me, and I vow to take that away from my own Baggage from Growing UP by just getting a darn degree. It can only HELP me in my professional life, since I have a whole lot of trouble understanding some of the language our CFO speaks. And he speaks to us frequently, in groups of 3 or 4, making it awkward that I won't make eye contact for fear he'll ask me if I understand.
So a degree at this point would still be a win/win. Right?
So all in all I would say things are looking up, as long as I take steps toward making them better when they aren't going so great. An easy enough concept for most people I know, but sometimes it takes me a bit of time to remember the simple things. I am almost HALF Polish you know...
Gratitudinous - My
two favorite people, along with the other people that make up my family. My friends both near and far who appreciate me for the mess I am, but especially when I can find the humor in it. Health - I know it has been one of the cliches of life that people say they're grateful that they have their health when everything in life is going seemingly bad, but REALLY think about this one. I've seen too many people who I care greatly about have their lives turn on a dime in the past three months; don't wait for something bad to happen to appreciate how wonderful your life really is. Breathe in the air; appreciate what's happening around you whether rain or shine, and